Insider Trading Compliance Solution For Listed Entities

In the dynamic world of regulatory compliance, staying ahead is non-negotiable. Introducing InsiderLens LCo – your seamless solution for full compliance with SEBI’s Prohibition of Insider Trading (PIT) Regulations (2015), providing insulation from legal actions to further mitigate your risk. Beginning August 2022, quarterly certification by your Compliance Officer or Secretarial Auditor is necessary to confirm the installation of the Structured Digital Database (SDD) and the timely filling of data for the preceding quarter. InsiderLens LCo streamlines this process, making it effortless for you to maintain full PIT compliance.

Key Highlights


Issues multiple alerts for critical activities (E.g. UPSI, Trading Window Closure (TWC), Disclosure, Trading Threshold, etc…)


Facilitates pre-clearance requests and trade intimations


Creates important Deviation Reports


Non-Tamperable Action Logs and Audit Trails with Time Stamp


Non-Tamperable Action Logs and Audit Trails with Time Stamp


Ensures annual and periodic disclosures


Validates data as you enter it


Bulk Upload facility simplifies master data creation

InsiderLens® LCo
Comes With

Ensure PIT compliance with InsiderLens LCo’s Structured Digital Database (SDD), aligning with SEBI’s guidelines.
Empower your team with higher control levels for the Compliance Officer and Senior Management, effectively establishing permitted trading processes.
Stay ahead of regulatory changes with our certified solution, compliant with SEBI PIT regulations and continuously updated.
Implement stringent data encryption at rest and in transit. This includes fully encrypting all UPSI data, offering role-based data access, automatically ending idle sessions, and providing multiple privacy assurance options.
Receive real-time notifications of any mismatches in trading activities, enabling swift action to limit/prevent contra-trade and other regulatory violations.
Track every trading activity from Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) inception to public disclosure, preventing violations.

Our clients

Trusted by 250+ entities

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