Axar Digital Services Pvt Ltd


Digital Public goods – key drivers of governance and compliance

Digital Public goods – key drivers of governance and compliance In both – Government and Corporate Bharat – SEBI and Microsoft concur on this common theme On 5 Jan 2023, the Microsoft Chief met the Prime Minister in Delhi and tweeted, “Thank you, Narendra Modi, for an insightful meeting. It is inspiring to see how […]

Man in the Mirror…Take a look at yourself and then make a change

Man in the Mirrror…Take a look at yourself and then make a change I’m starting with the man in the mirror I’m asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change… […]

SEBI’s mandatory Structured Digital Database (SDD) – 30 months in, where are we?

SEBI’s mandatory Structured Digital Database (SDD) – 30 months in, where are we? Background of PIT Regulations SEBI has worked hard, from inception, to reduce, if not entirely eliminate, Insider Trading. The first Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations was issued in 1992. But from April 1, 2019, SEBI mandated that all listed companies must maintain […]

India – after COVID-19 came to stay!

India – after COVID-19 came to stay! On April 14th, the PM extended the lockdown to May 3rd. India will be under a country-wide lockdown for more than a month – with a possible extension to this too. Soon after the lockdown was first announced, I wrote an essay attempting to prognosticate on the after […]

After COVID-19 came to stay!

After COVID-19 came to stay! This virus has changed the way we are currently living in India and a lot of other places in the world – in a lock-down. More – even after the lockdown, we are NOT going back to life as it was. For better or for worse, life on earth has […]

COVID-19, the RNA string that changed earthly life irrevocably and permanently

COVID-19, the RNA string that changed earthly life irrevocably and permanently Humanity has come together as never before and has changed as it could not otherwise have – irrevocably and permanently. We have COVID-19 to thank. This is a true Black Swan event, arguably the largest in human history – unexpected, with massive global impact. […]

CII’s Governance Conference on Valentine’s Day 2020

CII’s Governance Conference on Valentine’s Day 2020 Taking Good Governance to heart or a mere dalliance Corporate India’s affair with Governance was on show on February 14th, at CII’s Mumbai conference on Corporate Governance. The CII’s “Guidelines on Integrity and Transparency in Governance and Responsible Code of Conduct” (GCC) were softly released. On the dais […]